How to upload products

Uzoukwu Gift

Last Update 2 months ago

General Information

- On your dashboard, click on the green burger icon on the top left corner of your dashboard.

- Select product module, click on create product.

- Complete the form on general information about the product.


- On the list at your left panel, click on price.

- Fill the price details. Your base cost represents the previous price of your product, especially if you are on clearance sale or giving discounts as a result of a promo.

- Regular price should be the same with the base cost.

- Your sale price is the current price of your product.


- Click on images.

- Click on the box under feature image.

- Click on the box to upload image. When upload is done, a green tick appears.

- Click on media library (next to upload at the top left corner of the box).

- Select the product you have uploaded, and click on select image at the bottom right of the box.

- To upload more pictures, click on additional image gallery, and repeat the same steps.


- On the SKU tab, type a product/bar code for your product. For example, STH or STE-02 for stethoscope, depending on your preference and company coding system.

- Fill in the number of quantity that can be bought.

- Fill in the unit measurement, and the weight of your product.


- Select the category of your product from the drop-down menu.

- You can also contact support for any assistance on this.

- Click on create product to save the product.

- You can confirm if the product has been saved by clicking on product list under product module on your dashboard.

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