How can I react to feedback about vendors that other people posted?

Uzoukwu Gift

Last Update há 2 meses

There are instances when we agree with the feedback of another person so much that we want to let the individual who provided it know that we understand his point.

In this scenario, you can easily react to the feedback by commenting under the person's feedback. But, please stick to these simple rules:

  1. Be polite. We don't accept comments that contain foul or offensive language. No matter how upset you are, offensive comments never help. Use the right words to express how you feel.
  2. Be tolerant. We don't support racist beliefs, violence, vulgarity, or other things that aim to harm others.
  3. Be decent. We have a robust system that caters to your overall trading experience. Please use it appropriately instead of leaving your contact details, links or promotional messages under the comments of other vendors' clients.

We would love for you to easily and safely communicate with other FMT users.

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